Study On The Selection Of Alternative Strategies To Face Business Competition In Monoponik Bandung
Alternative strategic plan can be an option for Monoponik as a company engaging in creative industry in Bandungto compete with other competitors. The purpose of this research is to analyze the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats of Monoponik in order to create an alternative strategy to be used in competing with
the competitors. This research used a qualitative method. The primary data were obtained through deep
interviews and the secondary ones were collected through literature studies, literatures, and internet access.
The sampling method was the purposive one involving 3 interviewees. The results showed that the total IFEMatrix
score is 2.559 and the EFE-Matrix is 2.55, and the result of IE-Matrix has positioned Monoponik in the Vcell
quadrant of holding and maintaining which contains two alternative strategies namely market penetration
and product development. QSPM analysis resulted in the total score of 6.71 which means product development
strategy is the appropriate alternative strategy and suitable for Monoponik to implement. There are four kinds
of strategies obtained from the SWOT analysis to support product development strategy