The Influence Of Organizational Culture And Organizational Structure On The Implementation Of Knowledge Management Process In Corporate University Of PT. XYZ


  • Yusuf Hendriarto Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Telkom Bandung
  • Ade Irma Susanty Faculty of Communication and Business, Universitas Telkom Bandung


Since mid-90s, knowledge utilization and management has started to get attention from the business world. It’s
due to a shift in business from manufacturing industry to knowledge economy-based industry. This shift leads
to the emergence of knowledge worker who works using knowledge to create value-added. This change also
creates requirement for the implementation of knowledge management (KM) to manage knowledge in
company. Evaluation on the implementation of KM processes and factors influencing the processes is necessary
so that the implementation of KM can be improved continuously.
This study measured the implementation of KM process and the influence of organizational culture and
organizational structure on KM process in Corporate University of PT. XYZ.
The research respondents were 140 employees of Corporate University of PT. XYZ. The data analysis technique
in study used path analysis with software SPSS for windows version 23. Data was collected by questionnaire
containing 72 statement items related to organizational culture, organizational structure and KM process.
The analysis result showed that organizational culture and organizational structure simultaneously had
significant influence (62,2%) on the implementation KM process which can be categorized as STRONG. Partially,
organizational culture had significant influence (53,2%) on KM process. Partially, organizational structure had
significant influence (9%) on KM process.





