Increasing Service Quality By Improving Workload Distribution Case Study: PT. Bank Persaudaraan


  • Elgin Fitriano School of Business and Management, Insitut Teknologi Bandung
  • Nur Arief Rahmatsyah Putranto School of Business and Management, Insitut Teknologi Bandung


As one of the G-20 major economies country, Indonesia has powerful economic development. Banking industry
operation in Indonesia in recent years has significant growth and contribute to Indonesia’s economy. PT. Bank
Persaudaraan is one of the bank in Indonesia which headquartered at Bandung. The bank offers variety of
products and offers credit for retired people. Recently, one of the bank’s branch in Cimahi is facing number of
customer and outstanding decline. Through preliminary research, the employees felt the distribution of
workload they received is not balance. Hence, Their service quality is decreasing and causing the decline. In
order to maintain competitiveness and service quality, it is important for Bank Persaudaraan Cimahi to evaluate
their current workload distribution. Researcher conducted workload analysis towards 11 employees using work
sampling method. The result of workload analysis shows the workload distribution in Bank Persaudaraan Cimahi
is not balance. Moreover, this research explains how such distribution might occured. At the end, researcher
gives recommendation to improve the workload distribution in Bank Persaudaraan Cimahi.





