Implementation of Integer Programming to Determine the Amount of General Practitioner for Respon Darurat Kesehatan Program, A Case Study at Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-Cuma Jakarta-Banten, Dompet Dhuafa


  • Pradipta Suarsyaf Master of Management Program, Faculty of Economic & Business, Padjadjaran University, Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-Cuma (LKC) Dompet Dhuafa
  • Yudi Azis Departement of Management & Business, Faculty of Economic & Business, Padjadjaran University Bandung


Human resource is one of many resources that needs to be managed well. This includes the amount of human
recourse that is considered most efficient and effective for a company or organization. This can be achieved
mathematically with various calculations including Integer Programming. The purpose of this study is to
determine the minimal amount of general practitioner needed to fulfill the demand of Respon Darurat
Kesehatan (RDK) Program from Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-Cuma (LKC) Jakarta-Banten, Dompet Dhuafa using
Integer Programming. The expected finding is the amount of people that needs to be hired in order to fulfill the
operational demand of RDK program, LKC Jakarta-Banten, Dompet Dhuafa. The result shows that Integer
Programming can be used to determine the amount of human resources. The model used in this study could be
replicated and used in various cases in many sectors.





