Adopting real life entrepreneurs’ experiences into youth entrepreneurial learning process model


  • Dedy Saefulloh Jurusan Tata Niaga, Politeknik Negeri Bandung


Most entrepreneurship education emphasizes on teaching and learning about entrepreneurship with business
plan and entrepreneurial characteristics or personalities as the popular topics. Whilst learning to become
entrepreneurial still needs further improvement in the teaching and learning process. Entrepreneurship
education therefore could adopt the process of how entrepreneurs develop their entrepreneurial attitude,
behaviour and skills in their real lifelong learning experiences. This research aims to develop a model for
entrepreneurial learning process based on the real lifelong entrepreneurs‘ learning experiences. The research
covers the literature review on the concept of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial learning, and the field work.
The social constructivist and interpretive approach are used as qualitative research. The research used a semi
structured and direct interviews with Indonesian entrepreneurs to analyse rich qualitative data on the real
lifelong entrepreneurs‘ learning experiences. The analysis on entrepreneurs‘ narratives identified important
learning experiences which can be classified into the 5 basis or pillar of youth entrepreneurial learning process.
The findings and supported by the literature reviews are therefore used to conceptualize a model for
entrepreneurial learning which consists of starting up and nurturing learning stages as well as five elements of
teaching and learning process such as learning goals, learning contents, learning strategy and methods, learning
contexts, and learning assessment. The entrepreneurship educators can adopt the model to improve their
entrepreneurship teaching methods and approaches to a more contextual and students‘ centred learning





