Electronic Word-of-Mouth (EWOM) Adoption Model for Information Security Awareness: A Case Study in University Students


  • Adhi Prasetio Faculty of Economic and Business Telkom University
  • Puspita Kencana Sari Faculty of Economic and Business Telkom University
  • Dian Puteri Ramadhani Faculty of Economic and Business Telkom University


In the social media era, relationship and interaction of a person with other people give bigger influence on the mind-set andaction. Electronic Word-of-mouth (eWOM) is considered as an effective way to buildbrand awareness in marketingcommunication. Many tools and techniques, can be used to improve information security awareness, in order to jointly maintaininformation security within organization. This study aims to formulate an electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) usage model into build information security awareness through social media. eWOM is expected to complementthe existing techniques inbuilding information security awareness. Methodology used is quantitative with data analysis techniques using PLS-SEM. Thisresearch took 100 university students as respondent for a preleminary study. The result showed that source credibility andcostumer experience significantly effect eWOM credibility. Meanwhile, eWOM credibility significantly effect eWOMadoption. Finally, eWOM adoption significantly effect SecurityAwareness.





