Proposed Competency-Based Job Evaluation System at Telkom Foundation


  • Fitria Rizki Pradiptasari School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology Bandung
  • Aurik Gustomo School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology Bandung


The merger of Yayasan Pendidikan Telkom (YPT) and Yayasan Sandhykara Putra Telkom (YSPT) become Telkom Foundation has evolved tobe one of the best foundation in educational services. Telkom Foundation currently manages 44 schools, Kindergarten, Elementary, Junior, andSenior High School, Vocational School, as well as four higher education Institutions (Telkom University, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi TelematikaTelkom (ST4), Sandhy Putra Tourism Academy Bandung & Telkom Academy Jakarta. Moreover, Telkom Foundation also manages TelkomProfessional Development Center (Telkom PDC), with the total as many as 23000 students. To achieve the goal that has been design, TelkomFoundation has to support their employee with knowledge, personal character and skill that needed for its employee. Remembering that TelkomFoundation is not the only one foundation that engage in educational service, make it should compete with other foundation to provide the besteducational facilities. One of aspect in human capital management that can be implemented is competency-based compensation which consideringskill and competency to accommodate internal equity among its employee. In this research will design a compensation system trough jobevaluation method. The analysis step of compensation system that will be proposed is by determining compensable factor to generate job value,which reflect in core competency, functional competency, managerial competency, and technical competency. The result from this research iscompetency based job evaluation can accommodate internal equity criteria to calculate job value with more fairness for all jobs.





