Character Study Of Two Main Figures Of The Seven Princesses Folklore Of North Moluccas


  • Jerry Dounald Rahajaan Telkom University
  • Yosa Fiandra Telkom University


:"The 7 Princesses"  is a story  developed  in the community  of North Moluccas.  It is believed  to be the origin  story of the Four  sultanate in North  Moluccas.  Fascinating  story structure and strong characters contributes to the liveliness  of the story. Thus, it was deemed necessary to assess the character and structure of the story and how it can be dissected through exposure assessment using the approaches  of folklore theory and  the  theory  of  interpretation.  Furthermore,   this  story  can  be  translated   into  visual  forms  that  are represented by the intrinsic and extrinsic elements of the story in order to build character.


Keywords: Acts  7 Princesses, Adaptation,  Characters, Folklore


