Kandinsky Inspired Digital Print Motive with Pattern-Making, Cutting Exploration of Edgy Looks for Ready to Wear Deluxe


  • Janet Rine Teowarang Universitas Ciputra


The collaboration in between industry creative people will deliver strength in concept of design and creation for the result, as fashion industry is the largest and rising industry in Indonesia. Digital printing on textile is becoming trend development from few years ago, following emerging of international brand like Mary Katrantzou, Peter Pilotto and Jonathan Saunders were all started the digital bold prints with futuristic and cutting-edge theme in the year of 2010. As according to fashion trend report, Art-inspired prints have been dominating fashion runway with the appearance of neon colors and shall stay all the way in the year of 2017. The research theme of artistic digital print has brought the creative director’s aim for exploration project of fashion collaboration between a fashion brand and graphic designer for creating art-inspired print by using digital printing with combination of pattern making exploration, the paintings of Wassily Kandinsky during his period at Bauhaus in 1922 until 1933, Kandinsky’s Composition VIII and Transverse Lines during year 1923 had inspired the creative director to achieve variation of prints from combination, where finally this collaborative project has delivered into fashion showcase at fashion week in year of 2016 by using edgy and semi Avant–garde pattern making and cutting exploration into collection of Ready to Wear Deluxe consist of six looks varied from two – pieces top and bottom to long dress.


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