Creation of Pamor’s Knives as Business Diversification and Increase Sales Value Product Blacksmithsin Polanharjo District, Klaten Regency
This study focused on the application of pamor Wos Wutah, Ngulit Semangka, Mrutu Sewu, Tunggak Semi into the shape of a stab knife, slice knife and cutting knife.the research focuses directed at the manufacture of various kitchen knife, cutting knife, and blades especially the skewer with the following considerations: (a) the economic potential of business creation will be achieved. (b) various alternative designs cutting knife, and stab knife patterned motif and developing traditional motif. (c) Trial manufacture prototype design and dissemination elected made by the craftsmen blacksmith in the Polanharjo district, Klaten. This research is a qualitative research using action research approach. The results of field observation there are various products of craftsmen in the villages of Kranggan, Keprabon and Segaran such as; (1) Kinds of kitchen household appliance include; Kitchen knives, shreds, shovel, and frying spatula. (2) Carpentry tools include; axe, hammer, chisel, plancong, scissor, and trowel. (3) Agricultural tools include; sickle, hoes, rakes, and crowbar. Most kind of production that produced is a kind of kitchen knives. Alternative designs produces around 50 types of blade design patterned pamor. Then selected into 4 selected design namely; The design cut blade of Nguntu Walang, design slice knife of Ngulit Semangka, design blade of Mrutu Sewu, and design cut knife of Mrutu Sewu. Those four chosen design are then created works to serve as a prototype training materials to the craftsmen blacksmiths (pande besi) in Polanharjo district, Klaten regency.Referensi
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